+31 35 5237500 info@nl4b.com

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Only one step away, to become one of us


SAP Cloud Developer

You want to become the best Enterprise Cloud developer in town. You know all about building applications in NodeJS or Java Springboot, accessing information through APIs, and want to build agnostic apps with SAP CAF and SAP Cloud SDK on Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. Then we think the same about the future and hope you will join our team of developers and become a real SAP Expert. Let’s hear from you and feel free to contact us.
SAP Cloud Developer
SAP FullStack Developer


S/4HANA Full Stack Developer

S/4HANA Development has no secrets for you. You know all about ABAP Core Data Services (CDS), HANADB development SAP Cloud Platform (SCP), SQLScript  and API development. You like to with at different customers sites?

Just give us a call to see how you can join our team in the fast possible way.


SAP Front-end Developer

You have skills in UI5, React, Angular or Vue, know TypeScript, NodeJS, and JAVA, and want to become the best in Enterprise UI development. You have design skills and can communicate with customers about their needs. Then you should join our team of UI developers to work on the projects that challenge you and bring our customer the most beautiful frontend they ever had.

Frontend Developer

Let’s Start SomeWHERE new
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You like one of our jobs or you want to ask us something regadering your expertise. Just get in contact.

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